New SENSATIONAL Discoveries vs. Fatal FAKES in 


Открития в математиката, физиката, технологите, живота с приложение във всички обществени сектори
This book is only a Small Part of my Overall Scientific Theory about the Universe and Humanity. If I had not mastered up to 95% of the techniques of this book, I would never have achieved My Discoveries...

If you master the techniques here, you will surely gain fabulous health and creative happiness. If a sufficient number of people master these techniques, Mankind will achieve what the Animation below shows.

You will not find such a Unique Combination of theory and practice on the subject “Yoga
Anywhere Else In the World!
Compared to the Ancient Giant – YOGAModern Science is a Lilliputian!
Jean Frédéric Joliot-Curie, Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1935
We will train your physics, psyche, reason, and morals in preparation for the scientific and technological revolution depicted in the animation. All revolutions so far have always outstripped human personality development and therefore become tragedies. Our aim is the opposite – to ensure that people are ready before they rely on scientific and technological advancements as mere distractions.
Normal science always surpasses the level of understanding imposed by official authorities within the public sphere. It may take decades, centuries, or even longer for our discoveries to be put into practical use. However, we aim to expedite this process through our works, as the rapid decay of the world appears to be reaching critical levels. 
A brief illustration of the future

Science is continually evolving, and to ensure you don't fall behind, we encourage you to subscribe using the form above. By doing so, you will stay informed about the progress we consistently generate. Stay updated and join us on our journey to prosperity and discoveries!

The New Earth Interstellar Civilization
Is Impossible Without Life & Society In Conformity With YOGA!
Fateful Scientific Discoveries About the Creation of LIFE
and solved problems that no one else but us has solved!
Part 1
NEW SCIENTIFIC THEORY for the Essence (Definition) of Yoga.
(Introduction by the publisher of this work)
Why do official authorities hide the truth about Yoga and falsify its true content? Why does the ignorance of various gurus and coaches exacerbate our problems of all kinds?
The reason behind this is that Yoga is not just a method for promoting health and happiness; it is also a universal methodology for solving various problems, including those related to health, society, the public, science, creativity, art, and more...
We have discovered the genuine, hidden, and falsified content that remains inaccessible to the public. You can find it presented here.

1. Fundamental Mistakes in the perception, understanding and determination of Yoga as a concept.
2. Why is Yoga a Cosmic Science?

Part 2
PRANAYAMA (conscious control over breathing).
General Inferences for Breathing and Breathing Exercises.
Essence and Definition of the Notion Prana.
Full Yoga Breathing.
Exercises for Full Breathing.
Rhythmic Breathing.
First Preparatory Exercise.
Briefly About the Energy System of the Body
Second Preparatory Exercise (Alternative Breathing).
Alternative Rhythmic Breathing.
Constant Breathing.
Samavriti Pranayama (Square Pranayama).
Normal (Simple) Ujjayi.
Purna Ujjayi.
Clearing Breathing Exercises.
Kapalabhati Variations with Alternative Breathing.
Bhastrika (Blowing).
Other breathing exercises.
Breathing “Ha”.
Sitalis, Brahmins, Plavins.
The Role of Bandha Traya for the Breathing Exercises.
Uddiyana Bandha.
Jalandhara Bandha.
Mula Bandha.
Guidelines for Doing Breathing Exercises.
Stages of Mastering Pranayama.

Part 3
Influence of the Asanas.
Types of Asanas.
Concentration of the Thought When Performing the Asanas.
Contraindications in the Performance of Asanas.
Rules and Recommendations in the Practice of Asanas

Part 4
Body hygiene.
Danta Dhauti and Hrid Dhauti (Oral Hygiene).
Neti (Nnose Hygiene).
Karna Dhauti (Hygiene of Hearing).
Trataka (Hygiene of Vision).
Dhauti (Hygiene of the Digestive System).
       Part 4 – CONTINUATION
Other Hygiene Procedures.
Skin Hygiene.
Hair Hygiene.
Genital Hygiene.
Ming Hygiene.
Dharana (Dynamic Concentration).
Dhyana (Meditation).
Savasana (Relaxation).
Moral Codex of Yoga.

Part 5
Basic Nutrients.
Biologically active elements.
Diet While Practicing Hatha Yoga.
The Problem “Vegetarianism”.
Nutrition Rules and Recommendations.
Sample Weekly Diet.

Part 6
Asanas For All Ages and Training Levels.
Viparita Harani (Reversed Doing).
Sarvangasana (Supported All limbs Pose).
Matsyasana (Fish).
Halasana  (Plow).
Pascimontanasana (Seated Forward Bend Pose).
Bhujangasana (Cobra).
Ardha Salabhasana (Half Grasshopper).
Salabhasana (Grasshopper).
Dhanurasana (Bow).
Surya Namaskar (Solar Exercises – Variations).
Suptavajrasana (Reclining Thunderbolt).
Ardha Matsyendrasana (Side curve).
Trikonasana (Triangle).
Savasana (Relaxation).
Sirshasana (Headstand).
Surya Namaskar (Warming Complex).

Sequence and Content of Daily Activities for Achieving COMPLETE Yoga (not in hatha yoga only).

Usain Bolt's Cramp That Ruined His Finale!
Diego Maradona and his misfortunes (WHY?)
Exercises at Unusual Circumstances and Implementation Timing.

Part 7
WHAT HELPS US the Practice of Hatha Yoga?
Strengthening (Tapas).
Yoga Fasting (Abstinence from Food).
Yoga Massage.
Kaya Kalpa (Anti-Aging Programs).
Other our scientific and popular works (links)

Part 8
Copyright © 1992 by Ventseslsv Dimitrov Evtimov.
Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria
с/о Jusautor, Sofia
ISBN: SoftCover: 954-8080-01-Х / Rev. date: 1992.05.21


This book is different from all other books in the world on the subject of Hatha Yoga. Regarding the concept of “YOGA” (without the word “hatha”), there is nothing written in either our distant officially known history or in modern times.

No one specifies the difference between Yoga and Hatha Yoga.
No one has the exact definition of the term “Yoga”.
No one defines exactly what part from Yoga is Hatha Yoga.
No one defines Yoga as a methodology for solving social and economic problems.
There are books written on these subjects, but they are only slogans, art literature and religion.
No one presents scientific evidence.
Because Yoga is perceived only and only as a physical effect on the personality, but not as a system based on cosmic laws that act on every single system (scientific, economic, social, educational, health care, judicial, production, political and ...all the rest ).
       This book is also entirely focused on the physical effects on the personality, but unlike all the other books it also addresses the issues briefly outlined above. If we are not saying something not only new but epoch-making to the world, we would not be offering this book, because the world is overwhelmed with mountains of Hatha Yoga literature, much of which is of very high quality and usefulness.

(slogan of Hitler's 
Propaganda Minister Goebbels) 
The inability of official (formal) science to understand, explain and prove the truth about Life. Unlike Goebbels, who tells at least a small part of the truth, official (formal) science is either silent or lying: 

Through search engines and keywords “spirit and soul”, you may find similar beautiful and witty pictures of thousands of imaginary combinations about different ideas of the displayed structures, but you will never find the whole truth about them. The Whole Truth for the first time in the history of the world is
Spirit, Soul, Energy Body, Physical Body... is in our books!

What is GOD? Where is GOD?
For the first time in the history, we,
the Bulgarians, discovered the
Physics-Mathematical Formula for GOD!
GOD is Fully Material and
⚠️ FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, we not only provide answers, but also prove the concept of “Life”, how and where life originates not only on Earth but everywhere else in the “Universe”.
⚠️ FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, we not only provide answers but also prove the sequence of emergence of real and material structures such as Spirit, Soul, Energy Body, Physical Body and how their unity affects health, psyche, reason, morality, and behavior. With this, we offer the best consistency and quantitative characteristics of physical training.
⚠️ FOR THE FIRST TIME IN THE WORLD, we not only provide answers but also prove what the relationship is between official sports and Hatha Yoga and that sports training is a special case of Yoga.
☑️ Yogis think that sports have nothing to do with Yoga, that sports is something unimportant and even harmful.
☑️ Athletes think that Yoga has nothing to do with sports, that Yoga is something perverse and a waste of time.
       And the truth is that Hatha Yoga and Sports are the two physical poles of the samemagnet” for attracting health and abilities called “Hatha Yoga”.
▶️ The essence of the universal concept "Yoga" (without the word "Hatha") cannot be understood without practicing the procedures from this book... I.e. to change both the personality and society, it is imperative that we master at least most of the techniques in this book. And they are only a small (initial) part of the whole Hatha Yoga, which can fit into several tens of volumes as thick as the Bible. We do not have the time and funds to publish them because of practically unsolved social problems. But they are solved theoretically precisely by means of our science and by means of the most complete understanding of the concept of "Yoga".

The New Human Species (Homo Galacticus) will carry out the All-Embracing Revolution on Earth with goal life by super-light speeds within the confines of the Galaxy (Milky Way) to unite with other similar civilizations there. Homo Sapiens will annihilate if move at super-light speed... 
The deliberate disinformation of the official media and governments prevents people from understanding that a New Age has already begun, during which a New Earth Interstellar Civilization will be built. Instead of preparing the peoples for this Super-Revolution (scientific-technical, spiritual, social, personality, etc.), the governments "serve" their nations with inflation, wars and death...

No one in the world, except us, has investigated what the education, upbringing, and society arrangement of the new personalities caled Homo Galacticus will be.
This book is the beginning of that education.
Without mastering the practices of this book, and they are only the beginning, the New Civilization is impossible!.
1. The biological revolution – the emergence of a new biological species (Homo Galacticus), more perfect and higher than Homo Sapiens. This revolution is the base (cause, fundament, ground, soil) for all other types of revolutions.
2. The scientific and technical one, shown by means of the animation at the top of the page.
3. The social revolution which will take place according to the new natural laws we have discovered. This is described in our main work "Yoga – Universal Methodology".
4. The personality revolution, for which this book is a means of learning as part of the total tuition of the personality.
5. ...There are Other Types of main revolutions... 

for personality development, for highest and harmonious personal abilities and morals.
MY GOAL is to prepare PERSONNELs for the NEW EARTH INTERSTELLAR CIVILIZATION in the main areas: economics, fundamental sciences, humanities. This book is a textbook on only one, but also most important part of human development – perfect health, common sense, psyche and physical abilities.

No training system on Earth can achieve such a harmonious unity between the different higher abilities!
          There is No Normal Society Without Normal Individuals.

​​​​To Become My Students live here in Bulgaria or online, you must have this textbook in advance so that you know what I will be teaching you. Without good health and perfect physical, mental and psychic abilities, it will not be possible to bear the burdens on the way to the New Civilization

in the conditions of the cosmic society built by the New Biological Species – Homo Galacticus.
The present official education system serves the World Khazarian-Banker Mafia through the official governments and because of that Yoga is ignored. But people can form communities independent of mafia and governments and study the right subjects.

Now (2023) every official education system in the world instead of educating, corrupts, demoralize and enslave the pupils and students to turn them from free personalities into pathetic robotic performers.

Now (2023) a whole pole (half) of the education system (pH+) is missing. It's like making a battery without the one pole. This book is the other pole (pCO)

Sports Science is based on Medical Science, which is up to 95% fake...
Therefore, the same percentage of sports science is fake! 
Sports represent the Positive Pole (pH+) of the "battery" of the abilities, and Hatha Yoga – the Negative Pole (pCO). The "battery" of life cannot have only one pole. This book will develop the Negative Pole most fully, but without it the Positive Pole is unthinkable. The Positive Pole (sport) is a mass phenomenon, but it is Not Harmonized with the other pole. That is why Massive Personal Problems of sportlers arise (physical, mental, social...).

These problems will disappear only if sportlers are trained according to this book.  

If a doctor is normal, he quickly realizes that medical science is a dirty fake. Thus he leaves the formal system and becomes a naturalist.
          Official doctors work on intentional falsified medical science serving medical mafia. This book points out where the fakes are.
          Just as OFFICIAL (FORMALdoctors do not know themselves, they also don't know people's problems. And yet they dare to treat them. When a doctor firstly knows himself through the techniques in this book, then hе will have the (moral) right to treat other people.
Otherwise, they are a bureaucratic swots and, in most cases, an (un)intentional poisoner and murderer.

Official doctors cannot treat themselves, they do not understand their own organism, but for money they carry out the criminal prescriptions of their bosses from the World White Mafia (WHO).
Who Understands Medicine Better: Official Doctors or Us, Yogis?
  1. If Doctors Understood Normal Medicine, they would never be ailing;
  2. The number of sick people in the world would decrease and not increase;
  3. Health care costs would decrease and not increase;
  4. The number of doctors would decrease and not increase;
  5. Medical goods would become redundant and not addicting to people.
I, the author of this site, after starting to perform the procedures from this book, managed to save myself from death. For 35 years (now is 2023), I have not been sick, I have not visited doctors or pharmacies, and I have not paid for health insurance... 

The author of this book (on the left, he is 60 years old), more than 30 years after he started his hatha yoga practice. At that time, he had a normal appearance – 63 kilograms, in athletic shape, without any diseases, a calm, balanced sanguine with high morals and dedication to the good of others. On the right, you see the complete opposite of a person – over 110 kg, sick, with varicose veins in the legs, pre-infarction, with a brain tumor, incontinence, bully, rude, etc. This example of change is not unique among yogis… 

Why Are Most of the Illustrations In the Book Black and White?
I could have presented incredible-looking photos and videos for commercial purposes here (making it easy to sell the book), but I didn’t do it. I kept the original black and white photos of my teacher, who was a holy (purified) man. His photographs RADIATE the PURE ENERGY of his HOLINESS. That is, although he is no longer in this world, his photographs now heal the reader. I slept five times next to the room where my teacher slept. I was still in poor health at the time. Then I had the most magical dream – I woke up refreshed, healed, happy. I have never experienced such a perfect sense of grace in my life. This was thanks to the sacred radiance of my teacher from the other room, through the wall… He healed me through the wall when he slept
The Author Was Healing Through the Wall Even When Sleeping!
His Photographs in the Book are Healing Even at this Moment!
Iam the publisher of this book in electronic and paper versions, 2 years after its author left this world through Maha Samadhi… The author is my yoga teacher. If I hadn’t met him, I would either have been dead 35 years ago (now is 2023), or I would have been disabled and worthless due to my misconceptions about health, coming from what is called official “Medicine”. Its representatives tried to treat me, but in reality, they poisoned me… Most (up to 95%) of the techniques in this book I have performed and this is practical proof of the truths in my new scientific theory about Yoga as a
       I explain all this in the Pranayama Section because it is not possible to attain such a high state of purity as my teacher without good mastery of Pranayama.
       I discovered through my logical thinking and many experiments, a supreme technique of pranayama combined with asanas and physical exercises. This trinity of exercises is not reflected in any yoga book or manual. I may have discovered a new technique that upgrade the millennial practice of yogis. Because my teacher's lessons were perfect from a theoretical point of view...
◀◀◀  The harmonious unity between my theoretical and practical training classed me in the NATIONAL TEAMS of Bulgaria (1994) and the United Arab Emirates (2006) as psycho-physical training coach.
        Therefore, I invite you to participate in my live or online lessons in person. To save a lot of reading time, use the wisdom of the Bulgarian Proverb:
 “It is Better to See Once Than to Hear (Read) 100 Times!” 
          Classification of the asanas, meaning, object and time of their application, how asanas solve health and moral problems and (uniquely in the world) how asanas solve Sociеty Problems... Incredible, but a fact.
          We do not claim that we are the first in the world to put this topic on the agenda, but for the first time we put it on a Physics-Mathematical Basis and prove why without asanas, society always will be crippled.
          Most so-called “gurus” hammer into our heads the MAXIM:
    “Better a Grain of Practice Than Tons of Theory!”...    
          Strictly scientifically speaking, however, THIS MAXIM IS NOT TRUE. Because in order to explain the impact of asanas and yoga in general, a complex Physics-Mathematical Science is needed.
          In order to properly design the practice, a plan no less complex than a plan (project) of a large skyscraper is needed. Everyone knows that without a project (plan), i.e. without theory a skyscraper is impossible.
          It's the same with Yoga:
This book provides the best theoretical basis for understanding the impact of asanas so that the practice is motivated and properly ordered!
    No Yoga Book in the World Has Such Benefits as Ours!
          Official (formal, standard, clerical) “Medicine” has many methods and means for external purification of the body. But as we see they all require MONEY and a LOT OF MONEY, especially for feminine preparations and accessories.
          This bogusMedicine” does not show a single mean or technique for INTERNAL purification. There is only one half cleansing of colon in surgical operations, but it is done for “Clear Conscience” only before surgery, but never in other situations.
          On the contrary, official “Medicine” does everything possible to further pollute the body with so-called "drugs", which are a PHARMACEUTICAL PERVERSION
          ◀◀◀ There are mountains all over the world with such suggestions as the one at the picture on the left. They are useful and necessary. But from infancy we are jammed by the directions of the forgery called OfficialMedicine”, and by the time we become youths and adults, we are so damaged that such natural and normal diets are longer powerless to cleanse us.
           The only treatment remains...
    ...the Active Internal Yogic Purification,...
...which the FAKE (official “Medicine”) will never tell you about because its Bank Accounts Will Lighten.
          Especially because all diseases without exception, including the so-called "INCURABLE & CHRONIC DISEASES" disappear as if they never existed. You will understand the BIG LIE of the official "Medicine" (and BIG FАRМА) about the INCURABLE & CHRONIC DISEASES when you make a few procedures of the most important...
          SUPER IMPORTANT!!!
          Yogic purification of the body goes beyond cleanliness. I.e. even if ONE ATOM OF IMPURITY no longer exists in the organism, yogic purification does NOT BECOME SUPERFLUOUS, but expands the organism's ability to carry, absorb and transmit the COSMIC ENERGY, which expands all the abilities of the personality in such a way that every person can achieve the so-called SIDDHIS (in Sanskrit: सिद्धि – fulfillment, accomplishment)...
(superpowers such as clairvoyance, telekinesis, reading thoughts from a distance, non-contact treatment of incurable diseases, non-contact surgical operations of internal organs, teleportation and many others)...
 Mastering the SIDDHIS Without Long Years of Yogic Purification is
          JESUS CHRIST also possessed such siddhis. There is a Gospel forbidden by the Official Church in which Christ gives instructions for cleansing the colon... In all probability He is a highly developed yogi!!!
          Even the very content of the term "Yoga" means "Purification", because all yoga-techniques without exception accelerate and multiply the energy through the body, which washes and burns everything superfluous through the process we have proven mathematically:
in the Interstitial (All-Permeating) Fluids in the Organism!
All nutritionists, both the normal (including yoga, martial arts, Eastern medicine, Ayurveda, and Folk medicine of all nations) and abnormal nutritionists (from official "medicine"), compete to see which diet is BETTER, BEST and ONLY ONE.
THE FUNDAMENTAL FALLACY of all schools of nutrition is that they perceive the digestive system as IMMUTABLE, that it cannot DEVELOP, cannot become MORE PERFECT, and that when it reaches a certain state of tolerability or comfort, nothing else can or should it's done and it must STAY that way FOREVER.
EVERYTHING in this world can be INFINITELY PERFECTED. In most cases, the digestive system reaches a constant state, the so-called "PLATEAU", similar to homeostasis. And just after the "plateau", there is a ZONE OF TRANSITION to a HIGHER STATE, which at first glance seems impossible for people of the imperfect, standard and average statistical level.
⇓  One of Our Many SENSATIONAL Scientific Discoveries:  ⇓
⇑  The Seven (7) Ranges of Energies We Can Control  ⇑
          The Ranges 1, 2, 3 are our well-known Chemical Vibrations (sounds), Electronic Vibrations (electric current and radio waves), Photon Vibrations (light). The ZEROS (0) are TRANSITION ZONES between the ranges. After 1, 2, 3 is the TRANSITION ZONE to the ULTRA-HIGH Vibrations (i.e. this is THE TRANSITION ZONE to the AFTERWORLD), i.e. to the spiritual energies of the HEGHEST LIFE.
          It is not necessary to die in our world to achieve a perfect spiritual life here on Earth. This means:
along with our physical body. What other means exist in Nature besides yoga? You will learn through our Physics-Mathematical Proofs in our books.
          What these energies are, what micro-particles they are made of, which spiritual elements in our body they feed and their role in the evolution of life – you will learn in detail IN OUR BOOKS.

Only yogis say that besides calories (chemical energy) in food there are many other ranges of energy, called "PRANA" (UNIVERSAL COSMIC ENERGY with VARIOUS FRAQUENCIES or VIBRATIONSsee above) by yogis. Yogis, alone among nutritionists, claim that the energy in food is life itself, meaning that chemical food can gradually be replaced by energy and that energy itself is food. In other words, we can replace our standard chemical food entirely with prana.

          In yoga literature, indeed, there are many cases described of people who have completely eliminated chemical food and replaced it with PRANA. There is even a worldwide movement of such people (BRETHARIANS, BRETHARIANISM). However, official "Medicine" remains silent about this PHENOMENON.
          Without the techniques from our book (nutrition, body purification, pranayama, meditation, etc.) you will never achieve Bretarian PERFECTION!
The "Nutrition" section of this book does not scientifically investigate this issue and provides a static diet - an average level of nutrition for beginners. The author was a vegetarian. I, the publisher of this book, am a vegan (higher level nutrition). There is also a higher level of nutrition than veganism (raw food), the refusal of many types of food and Breatharianism, in which chemical food is completely replaced by Prana.

In our other works devoted entirely to nutrition, we explain in detail why Breatharianism is not only possible but also a higher and inevitable stage of Human Evolution.
The Main Falsification of the WHITE MAFIA
in nutrition is that it is dangerous to DEPRIVE ourselves ... of meat, for example. That is to say that deprivation is torture. But for us, refusing meat is LIBERATION (emancipation) from the need to eat poison, not DEPRIVATION from poison. I.e. according to official "Medicine" (What Crazy Thinking!?)
The POISON is an Insurmountable NECESSITY!
When the book was written, video techniques and channels were not as accessible and easy to use as they are today (2023). Then it was necessary to describe in GREAT DETAIL every single movement, joint, muscle, and tendon when performing the asanas. The descriptions included how they affect the internal organs, where to direct energies with our thoughts, etc.

One of the BIG ADVANTAGES of WRITTEN TEXT is that it leaves no doubts and hesitation in the interpretation and understanding of the asanas.

Another ADVANTAGE is the explanation of the reasons for SENSATIONS of the body during the posture, in its static and dynamic phase, as well as during the TRANSITION between asanas.

In video demonstrations, performers usually show NOT THE ENTIRE TIME needed to perform an asana, but only 10-20 seconds, during which no one explains what happens to our sensations. At least 20 seconds are needed, after which the time needed for an asana should be taken into account, because then the breathing, the heartbeat, the thought, and the muscles calm down, and the energy enters powerfully, purifies and charges the bod.
The Most Important Explanations are about
I have not come across such explanations in any video demonstration. Nor have I seen any warnings about:
1. Therapeutic effect; 2. Hygienic effect; 3. Psychical effect;
4. Moral effect; 5. Aesthetic effect... and most importantly:
to avoid traumas, internal damages and mental deviations.
When you take the paper version of the book in your hands, you will understand its advantages over audio and video demonstrations. Despite this, we also feature video demonstrations from both my teacher and colleagues. I personally have not come across... 
...a BETTER COMBINATION of asanas and their SEQUENCE... 
than what is described in the book. It is a SYSTEM OF ASANAS that can be performed by both beginners and ultra-advanced yogis. There are very few asanas that can be replaced by more compound and more effective asanas for the more advanced. We have indicated such examples in the diagrams 
This picture below is not a fortuitous whim, it is not an artistic representation of unconscious sensations, it is not an emotional reflex for mental balancing, it is not a simplistic scheme to be I interesting to I get your money. This picture depicts a UNIVERSAL (BASIC, FUNDAMENTAL, PRIMARY) NATURAL LAW on which all other known and unknown natural and SOCIETY LAWS depend. This law was first discovered by me (the publisher), but it has been proven in our other scientific works with mathematics and physics. 

What is Yoga? ANSWER:
Harmoniously Developing Unity
Variant 1 (ANTI-Yoga):
     DISharmoniously (Not) Developing Unity.
◀ Variant 2 
      Harmoniously Developing Unity.
The Same Scheme is Applicable to Both Systems Regarding Interrelations:
UP (+, acidity, oxygen deficit) Material (Physical) Development:
(1) Quickness, (2) Strength, (3) Endurance
DOWN (, alkalinity, oxygen excess) Spiritual Development:
(4) Flexibility
UP (+, acidity, oxygen deficit) Material (Physical) Development:
(1) Spiritual Development (Creativity) (2) Soul Development (Emotionality, Sensibility, Empathy), (3) Physical Body Development (Hatha Yoga)
DOWN (, alkalinity, oxygen excess) Spiritual Development:
(4) Discovery of new laws of nature; Discovery of more and more basic (more and more fundamental; more and more primary) connections between phenomena; MOVEMENT of THOUGTH to the root causes of phenomena.
This section of the book offers you a BALANCED DAILY REGIMEN for work, training, rest, nutrition, and sleep so that you achieve not only Hatha Yoga but COMPLETE ALL-ROUND YOGA or for short – Yoga. Or as shown in the image – Variant 2.
By means of the scheme above, we can perfectly and very simply and easily understand why...
...YOGA not only CURES ALL ILLNESSES without exception
Because the Sports Science is Based on the Global Fake Called
Official (Formal, Bureaucratic, Allopathic, Orthodox...) “Medicine”!
Usain Bolt's Cramp!
1. Sport for Health or Mass Sport.
2. Competitive (Commercial) Sport. This is clearly a misunderstanding. The MERCHANTS of Sports and Athletes admit that competitive sports is against health! And that's a crime. We see the mutilation of athletes during competition…
Diego Maradona's Misfortunes!
The MERCHANTS of sports lies that sports are heroism that positively affects the personality. Diego's example is telling: "There is something rotten in sports." Diego trains hard and after every game he runs 10 kilometers to relax. This did not help him in any way against drug addiction and degradation. We explain why. I am not saying that sport is harmful, on the contrary, but........
The Advantages of Martial Arts!
The most valuable quality of karatekas is flexibility, which yogis train as a primary task. This quality is a their unconditioned congenital reflex and therefore they train it a little. But they train internal techniques (pranayama with asanas and martial techniques). Unlike athletes who "retire" at a young age, karate athletes retain their physical qualities into old age...
          If SPORTS is COMBINED with asanas, pranayama, purification of the body, fasting, vegetarianism, veganism, and other basic techniques of Hatha Yoga, then we have balance and sports can be beneficial. However, if sports is isolated from the yoga techniques, it can become harmful over timee, leading to HYPERACIDITY (Hyper Low pHor a
pH+ lower from 6), which is the cause of almost all diseases. This is briefly explained in this book and detailed scientific studies are presented in our other theories on medicine, sports, upbringing, etc.
          LOSSING WEIGHT through sports is also a big illusion. It takes more than 2 hours to burn the glucose in the blood. After that, it takes as many more hours to burn the glucose in the muscles. After that, it takes as many more hours to burn the glucose in the liver (a total of 6-8 hours of moderately intense physical exertion). Only then does the body begin to melt excess fat. How many people have the opportunity to devote so much time to sports just to lose weight?
          I am not a professor of the History of Civilization and even less a specialist in the History of Religions. However, I am a specialist in Yoga and I know this science builds, stimulates and accelerates all human faculties, including the so-called Hiper-Abilities or SIDDHIS (सिद्धि). Some people think that these Siddhis are the greatest achievement of the Yogis, but they are only an Instrument of Empathy, Mutual Help and Love to Humanity.
The problems
have been settled once and for all in favor of people who observe and creatively apply Natural (God's) Laws.
and turned into a practical methodology!
Fortuitously Coincidence or Objective
Jesus also possessed such super-powers (SIDDHIS), but no church or its officials tell us how Jesus acquired them or God "gifted" them to him by birth and for what merits. I will not "INSULT" the believers in Jesus by labeling him as an over-developed yogi, but merely list the presumableFORTUITOUScoincidences between the siddhis of Jesus and the siddhis that YOGA DEVELOP IN EVERY DILIGENT STUDENT.
          Some historians claim that yoga as a science and methodology has existed on Earth for millions of years, but I have made no attempt to prove these claims. However, all of the Jesus siddhis listed here by me have technological elaborations from at least 500 thousand years ago, before Jesus was born. Rock paintings depicting yoga exercises (asanas) are dated 500 thousand years old.
          So, let us list the siddhas and yogic techniques that Jesus demonstrated and are known from the Bible:
          ✅ Jesus' 40-day fast in the desert before he began to perform his miracles.
          ✔️ All fasting techniques are known, described, classified, and applied by yogis, immediately after the presence of the God of Yogis (Shiva) and his consort (Parvati) on Earth. The more important fasting techniques are also described in our book without the author having read the techniques of Jesus.
          — Moreover, there are reports of yogis fasting for months and years. In the Scandinavian countries, there is even a “sports” competition for long fasting. Many of the champions reach more than 100 days of fasting.
          — I also described above about the long-known phenomenon called BREATHARIANISM. Personalities, especially women, are no longer isolated cases.
          — Jesus’ achievement (40 days of fasting) was neither the first, nor the last, nor the longest. I.e., there is nothing phenomenal in the fasting of Jesus
          ✅ Jesus walks on water. This is a type of Levitation.
          ✔️ Paste these keywords in Google: “The Levitation of Dynamo” and you will watch many videos with levitation much more complex, much more amazing, and much longer lasting than the “focuses” of Jesus. The guy with the nickname “Dynamo” is not the only one who walks on water (on the River Thames), climbs down a tall building on a wall, rises in the air, etc. I have videos of many other such “phenomena”.
          — The author of this book and some of my friends have attended sessions by Dhirendra Brahmachari (teacher of the author of this book) who demonstrates levitation, lighting and extinguishing fire from a distance, etc.
          — Raja Yoga gives all the techniques to master the phenomenon of “Levitation”. But it is not possible to immediately start Raja Yoga – you must first master Hatha Yoga, i.e. to master the techniques in this book.
          ✅ Jesus raises the dead Lazarus. It is a type of biofield healing emanating from the hands and mind of Jesus.
          ✔️ The author of this book has attended a seance in which a healer places his hands above the head and below the feet of a lying down completely paralyzed person. After seconds, the person gets up and starts walking. To such healers, people gave the name “Psychic”. In my Motherland (Bulgaria), such healers are not rare.
          — The teacher of the author of this book had remote appendix surgery (no surgical incisions and sections).
          — If you master the techniques in this book, you will easily master distance healing without having the phenomenal abilities of Jesus.
          ✅ Jesus turns water into wine, multiplies a loaf of bread and a fish into 5 thousand, and gives them away to the poor.
          ✔️ I have not encountered exactly such a “focus” among yogis, but something similar is the 7-8-minute transformation of “nothing” into white dust on the ground by some vessel. We saw this from Osho – a very famous yogi who wrote many books on the subject of “Yoga”. Many yogis accuse Osho of fakirism, from which he makes a lot of money, and that this is not the purpose of yoga, but…
          — I have great doubt whether Jesus really turned water into wine, as well as the multiplication of five thousand loaves and fishes. Or did Jesus hypnotize the crowd into imagining these results?
          — If it is the latter, there are many such demonstrations not only by yogis but also by ordinary magicians – for example, a Bulgarian illusionist gives a hot onion to a volunteer, who eats the onion in front of an audience, imagining that he is eating an apple…
          ✅ Jesus possesses clairvoyance. He sees into the future and describes future events (the betrayal of Judas, the three denials of Peter, and many others).
          ✔️ Grandma Vanga, the world-famous Bulgarian prophetess and clairvoyant is not a unique case here in Bulgaria. But this ability of Jesus is the first and least achievement of Raja Yogis.
          — Bulgaria is also known as “The country of clairvoyants and spiritual guides”. One such great spiritual leader is the world-famous Petar Dunoff (Beinsa Douno), founder of the “White Brotherhood” spiritual school. However, the devotees of Petar Dunoff turned the White Brotherhood into a most banal religious sect.
          ✅ Jesus resurrected (revived himself) three days after his death after the Crucifixion.
          ✔️ The Bible foretells such future events with the words: “and the dead shall come out of their graves”.
          — No, this is neither a delusion, nor a fantastic dream, nor a mistake on the part of the writers of this text of the Bible. It could actually happen, though not in this way.
          — This can happen to only a very small part of people on Earth (no more than 150 thousand people of the entire Earth population).
          — This is a type of IMMORTALITY that is proven with mathematics and physics in another scientific work of ours. When this small fraction of Earth’s population achieves such technical perfection (resurrection from the dead…), then the New Earth Interstellar Civilization will fly through the Galaxy at super-light speeds…
          ✅ Other PHENOMENAL ABILITIES witnessed by the author of this book:
          ✔️ The author of this book also spent his last savings to go to India and learn from many advanced yoga teachers, among whom was the mentor of the Gandhi family - Dhirendra Brahmachari. At his age of 65, he looks like a 25-year-old youth.
          — Brahmachari, as a youth, suffered from an inflamed appendix and almost died. There were no doctors nearby, and the place was inaccessible for transport (high in the mountains). Nearby was a yoga healer who cut out young Dhirendra’s appendix with his fingers, without cutting the abdomen, bloodlessly. The appendix just annihilated imperceptibly… Out of gratitude to the healer-yogin, Dhirendra devoted himself to Yoga…
          — The author of this book has witnessed the following yoga-miracles:
          — A competition of physical, psychical, and mental endurance: They finish without any panting, as if they have just walked slowly 20-30 meters. They immediately sit in the lotus position in front of a wet sheet and, through breathing exercises, begin to dry the sheet. Each yogi dries the sheet for 5-6 minutes.
          — The TIGERS! — Residents of a nearby village to the ashram where my teacher advanced his yoga education were attacked by 6 tigers. The inhabitants covered themselves in their homes; there was no way to get out, lest they be eaten by the tigers. This lasted for 3 days. On the fourth day, 4 yoga teachers from the ashram came down to the village, and the students, among whom was my teacher (the author of this book), watched from above the events in the village.
          At first, the tigers attacked the teachers, but as they approached, the teachers began to make smooth and swirling movements with their arms, like flapping wings. The tigers approached to 2-3 meters and calmed down like caressing cats. They even began to roll on the ground from the pleasure caused by the energy of the teachers’ hands. So the teachers led all the tigers out of the village. Finally, the tigers, like cheerful cats, hid in the nearby forest and never troubled the villagers again…
          — The boy who came down FROM THE SKY
          — A supreme yoga teacher demonstrates a high art – he spins a short rope (about 50 centimeters) in different directions. Then he straightens it vertically up like a stick. So far nothing special – we have seen this trick in the circus. But after 20 seconds, the rope gets longer and longer until after 1 minute it rises above the clouds in the sky. From there, something starts coming down the rope. After this thing approaches 100 meters from the ground, viewers see that it is a boy. The boy climbs down to the ground, and the rope remains hanging from the sky, and a conversation begins between the boy and the teacher in a language incomprehensible to the viewers. After 5 minutes, the boy climbs up the rope like a spider and after 5 minutes he disappears above the clouds in the sky. With a sharp movement, the teacher pulls the rope, which again becomes 50 cm long and the “trick” ends… The teacher explains that the boy has come and gone in another space-time…
          — The world’s first Martial Art named “Kalari” originated from yoga in the Indian state of Kerala.
          Most people think that the homeland of martial arts is China, and some think that it is Japan or Korea. Nothing of the kind. Again, the home of supernatural martial arts is India. My teacher has seen amazing katas (martial arts demonstrations without an adversary) in ashrams.
          The founder of Chinese Spiritual Teachings, from which Buddhism also originated, was again an Indian (Bogar, also called Boganathar or Bhoganathar). However, many historians associate Bogar with Bulgaria (my home country), which in his time extended to Afghanistan and the Himalayas. The letter “l” is silent. Therefore, it is correct to pronounce the name as Bolgar. This is what an English author claims. (Put the words “Bogar”, “Boganathar”, “Bhoganathar” in Google and you will find comprehensive information about him)
          — My teacher personally participated in the following “trick”:
          An advanced yoga teacher cuts open an orange in front of his students, takes a seed from the orange, digs a 10-centimeter hole in the ground with his hands, and buries the seed in it. Then he places his palms 10 centimeters above the ground with the hole… After 5 minutes, the seed germinates, grows like a small tree, leaves, flowers, bears some oranges and the students present eat them. The whole process takes 25 minutes. To prove that this is not hypnosis or mental regression (going back in time), the teacher advises his students to keep the seeds of an eaten orange in their shirt pocket. The next morning, everyone present finds the seed intact in their pockets…
          — ... ... ... ... ...
With these phenomenal abilities, yogis and Jesus do not aim for fame, benefits, or ego, but to be useful for the

I.e., there is no mysticism, no miracle, nothing unknown, incomprehensible, inapplicable, or unattainable in the siddhis of Jesus today and in the past. Anyone who studies and applies our yoga course from this book of ours and continues to practice higher techniques, including Raja Yoga, can
not only achieve all that Jesus demonstrated but be better than him!
All that is best and useful for human development, which is present in every religion, is present in Yoga.
          But there are even higher techniques and abilities that are either not described in any religion or have been perverted and falsified by religions or have been declared by religions as blasphemous, immoral, or harmful.
          Some of the techniques of yoga hidden from religions are described in this book.
          Yoga is the source of all that is best in religions, but religions do not build upon, refine, or demonstrate the methodology as yoga does, as an ever-evolving science.
          Yoga, like any science, has development, but no religion has development. I.e., Yoga is the most humane human activity in the universe, while religions are designed for the stagnation and degradation of personality. Religions serve not the person, but state authorities, enslaving personality.
in all its subdivisions, to whose servants the official authority pays “labor wages”, has degraded to the level of the Most Demagogic Religion.
We are EXTREMELY POPULAR among ordinary citizens,
but for Official Authorities, not only do we not exist, but they are
No one believed that in the time of bureaucratic State Capitalism (the authorities before 1990 lied that they were building socialism), we would hold
a National Yoga Symposium and declare YOGA AS AN EXACT SCIENCE.
thanks to the methods and techniques of this book:
Yogi Sri Chinmoy lifts MORE THAN THREE TONS WITH ONE HAND (pictured above). This was broadcast live by 36 US television stations, dozens of print publications, and in front of a live audience. But the OFFICIAL medical and sports authorities regard this fantastic and historical World Record as a minor circus trick and never comment on it.
The Annual Sri Chinmoy 1,000 & 3,100 Mile World UltraMarathon, NY
is the Worlds Longest Race.
(the photo below with the mass participation of thousands of men and women of all ages)
NEVER GIVE UP! Our races are inspired by our team founder Sri Chinmoy's philosophy of self-transcendence and finding the best within yourself. 
          Ashrita Furman (above) — the person with the largest number of world extravagant and extreme records: 230 official Guinness World Records in over 32 countries on 7 continents, holding first place for 100 simultaneous records. In 2007 he set two of his world records in Bulgaria.
          Ashrita is a graduate of Sri Chinmoy and a friend of Ivan Garabitov (top right), i.e., you see that yogis like Ashrita are not abnormal recluses and strange asocial types at all, but people with universal and socially useful abilities.
          Armen Nazaryan () (bottom right) [Armenian by origin, but became a Bulgarian citizen with Bulgarian coaches, a classical style wrestler, a graduate of Ivan Garabitov (top right), after having severe health problems due to the dehumanized sports “science.” Thanks to yoga and the rules for proper nutrition and distribution of activities, Armen no longer has any health problems.]
          ★ 3 times World Champion (2002, 2003, 2005)
          ★ 2 times Olympic Champion (1996, 2000)
          ★ 6 times European Champion (1994, 1995, 1998, 1999, 2002, 2003)
          ★ Twice named FILA #1 Classic Wrestler (1998, 2003)
          ★ He was inducted into the US Hall of Fame in 2005.
          ★ And many other silver and bronze medals and other awards.
          Ivan Garabitov is the SPONSOR of the Bulgarian edition of this book, on the background of his teacher Sri Chinmoy. Ivan is also a sponsor of the Ultramarathon in Europe and Bulgaria.

          Ivan is the most successful Bulgarian HEALER. His patients are most famous cultural, sports, and political figures. There are no incurable diseases for him.
          Ivan is also a coach of many Bulgarian and Turkish European, WORLD, and OLYMPIC CHAMPIONS based on his knowledge of yoga and using the techniques of this book.
          Several of his WORLD WEIGHT LOSS RECORDS are by yoga methods and this book (see below).
Our sites lack information about our health achievements because the Official "Medical" Authority is sabotaging us, and we ignore public advertising in favor of viral (person-to-person) marketing. Therefore, we have neither photographs nor videos that prove that YOGA-BASED METHODS CURE ALL DISEASES WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
          Of course, in very advanced damage (body pollution and somatic changes), treatment is almost impossible, but if people know and understand human health, anatomy, and physiology as the yogis understand them and what is written in this book, people will never die of diseases but will reach the limit of their age, determined by Nature (God), in a youthful form. This age for humans of the biological species Homo Sapiens is 1,000 years
          And for people of the New Biological Species [Homo Galacticus – see above Part 1 (Introduction and Motivation)], the cut-off age is 1024 years (one septillion years):
          But this age is not a limit either because beyond our world, which is still called “Universe,” Life continues…
          I, the author of this site and this page, 35 years ago (it is now 2023) would have been dead if the author of this book had not given me the knowledge and techniques of yoga and written this book which was my lifeline for health, work ability, and supreme creativity…
          Both the author of this book and Ivan Garabitov (above) and I have cured thousands of people from diseases declared by the world’s official medical authority to be incurable… And we are not an exception. Many of our colleagues have the same and even greater health results, but they are hiding from the health authorities for fear of reprisals…
          I, the author of this site and page, do not have money for: an office, a presentation room, a yoga studio, massage equipment, media and Internet advertising, employees such as secretaries, massage therapists, logisticians, I do not have time to sell foreign food's, cosmetic and medical products, etc.
          That's why I don't have many patients, but only pupils and followers. I do not have the commercial success that my colleague Ivan Garabitov (top right) has. Therefore, I present here his achievements, some of which are WORLD's WEIGHT LOSS RECORDS !!!
          Because these achievements are a consequence of the applications of the yoga methods and techniques from this book.
          This man on the left is the best testament to the achievements of our Health, Yoga and Sports School. We have dozens of such cases, but most of our students do not want to be known and therefore refuse to be photographed. Maybe because they are ashamed of their ugly past. I understand them – I don't want to be photographed either for the same reason. It is not at all joyful to see yourself ugly, desperate and unnecessary, even in the distant past...
          We also prepare teams. For example, I coached the national football teams of Bulgaria and the United Arab Emirates. (See above)
This Bulgarian woman lost 20 kg thanks to our yoga methods and won a medal from a marathon in Greece...
These are four of the five fattest men in Bulgaria who simultaneously reached a normal weight by yoga... 
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